Cross-professions happen pretty often nowadays. Designer-guitarist, writer-footballist, fitness-trainer and street-racer… People develop themselves in absolutely polar spheres and hobbies. And even better the results of these combinations are when the professions not only make the people’s lives but also complement each other.
Cyril Rolando — a French psychologist who has been practicing clinical psychology only for quite a while. And thinking about it, what other science if not psychology, is tightly interconnected with art? These are drawings and paintings that help children show their fears and adults reveal their hidden problems. Art in any of its kind and form opens the mysterious world of fantasies and desires, while the skillful psychologist reads even the smallest sketch as the most interesting and exciting book called Personality. Hundreds of therapies are based on art and it is great when the psychologists themselves can’t resist the temptation to try painting with brushes, pencils or… computer mouse.
That is totally what Cyril Rolando did. I am a digital art painter as hobby — says Cyril on his Behance profile. But as we can see this hobby has grown into something bigger and more substantive. Starting from 2004 Rolando decides to dive into his childhood memories and dreams then to throw them to the screen of his computer and to learn how to create the unique illustrations. Having spent a few months on studying digital art and having had some fun with the handy art website Oekaki he made up his mind to progress and develop his artistic skills and to study digital art deeper and more serious.

Rolando’s works are very interesting not to look at, but to watch from the top to the bottom, scrolling them using a mouse or a trackpad… and better do that a couple of times. Because it is almost impossible to predict or to guess what there is going to be in the end of the picture. Muscle-mountains, grand piano with dandelions instead of strings, lion-cubs, tearing apart the sun while playing — even the most extraordinary mind can nothing but wonder: where all these ideas come to the psychologically healthy person from. But let’s go back to Cyril’s main profession. People’s souls is an inexhaustible resource of incredible fantasies.

A very special place, as we can tell by his profiles-portfolio, are taken manipulations and special vision of human faces and bodies. He combines the elements of animate and inanimate nature, giving the characters some kind of his mysterious magic. Here the smallest skin area, one tiny part of the body create the whole world, as deep and sensitive as Cyril’s thoughts might ever be. Soft colors and smooth lines, in their turn, form the special unique style of his art. Without any shame Rolando says that he has never held a pencil or a paint brush or any other attribute of a professional painter. And in the nearest future he is not going to either. But thinking of it, is there a need for that? For everyone has his own preferences and ways of artistic development and outlook. Someone prefers canvas, for others a computer mouse and Photoshop are more than enough.

We strongly recommend you to get closer to this extraordinary artist and thanked to his works you will definitely open something new inside yourselves. Here we give you his Facebook and Tumblr.