André Brito. Mysteries of naked woman's nature

© Andre Brito
Subtle eroticism, slight excitement and the feeling of luxury, pristine and courage — everything merges into a single creative ecstasy, giving birth to the incredible pictures in the nude.
In paintings, photographs, sculptures and other arts authors very often refer to such a keen, quivering and exciting style as nude is. It's hard to argue the fact that it is difficult to come up with something more exciting than the refinement of smooth waist lines, velvety skin texture and distinct overflows of strained muscles.
Hot and temperamental Portuguese André Brito, seems to know the beauty of the female body like no other. Every line in his pictures looks perfect. Every muscle, stretched like a string is a part of the symphony of woman beauty. In André's works there is nothing superfluous: the background, the light and the girl. You might wonder, what new can be in the "nudity"? Waist, breasts, beautiful legs ... But Brito's photos lure by its freshness, captivate by naturalness and fascinate by frankness.
Envious ladies might certainly say that the girls in the photos are too perfect. But the photographer, and it is absolutely no secret, works with professional athletes: masters of athletics and dancers. Because the photograph in the nude should bring aesthetic pleasure and delight, excite and fascinate. "Dried" models, or on the contrary, pumped weightlifters often evoke a sense of pity, well if not then sympathy. The characters of these photographs reveal the true beauty of the naked female body.
It's absolutely obvious that for his non-profit nude pictures Brito chooses black and white or sepia format. Thus, nothing prevents the spectator from plunging into every photo and dissolving in it. He only slightly emphasizes the desired lines by means of light and shadow, and puts his accents with the help of models' perfectly matched positions in space or on the surface. This way the photos are easy to look at, absolutely not vulgar with the light taste of eroticism, which will be appreciated by both male and female part of the audience.
Through skillful and coordinated work of models, photographers and flashes some photos unconsciously resemble sculptures of goddesses and nymphs. In André's portfolio there also are work made on the background of various landscapes, as fascinating as his models. These pictures can not help reminding us of the importance of the nature-human union, and especially the women's similarity with Mother-nature. The girl in Brito's works becomes an integral part of the landscape, germinating into it by her every cell.
Finally, I'd like to note that despite the sometimes biased attitude of the art lovers to contemporary photographers, especially those who work such a hard style as nude, André Brito is a worthy representative of this trend. And we can confidently say that he is the future of contemporary nude art.
© Andre Brito
© Andre Brito
© Andre Brito
© Andre Brito
© Andre Brito
© Andre Brito
© Andre Brito
© Andre Brito
© Andre Brito
© Andre Brito
© Andre Brito
© Andre Brito
© Andre Brito
All the works of a Portuguese master are available on his official website: Or follow and may be to talk with him you might want to try on Facebook. And to look at his works without any distraction (even without mouse clicks) listening to Enigma you can here.