Who you are?
Residents of Kyiv and other cities across Ukraine who dedicate part of their lives to this media project. Some of us have never worked in publishing, while others have been journalists for several years.
Is this a media outlet?
SFG Media is not registered as a media outlet because it is not one.
What do you do?
We write materials that reflect our social and political stance and conduct interviews with people who share our values. Occasionally, we summarize important information produced by honest, independent news agencies and media outlets.
Why don’t you write in Ukrainian?
We’ve noticed that there isn’t enough objective information coming from people living in Ukraine available outside the country—information that isn’t serving someone’s agenda. As for Ukrainian, we create
projects on YouTube in that language.
Where’s the money?
We don’t receive grants or funding. Our only income is the commission from Google for displaying ads on this website and our YouTube channel.
How can I contact you?
You can write to our Telegram
bot or send us an